Our Governing Council

Prof. Pasquale Policastro
Chairman of the Governing Council

Professor Pasquale Policastro is a professor at the University of Szczecin and Director, Centre for Poland European Master “Law and Policies of European Integration: European Constitutional Law and Multilevel Constitutionalism.” Prof. Pasquale studied Law at the Catholic University of Milan (LLM, 1986), PhD in Law at the Catholic University of Lublin (1994), and the habilitation in Law at the same University (2002). Prof. Policastro is the Co-founder World Afforestation Centre and is a member of various international bodies and sits on the board of various professional and academic bodies including the Esteemed-Hub Foundation where he chairs the organization’s governing council.

Our Vision
To be a hub for raising a generation of young women, young adults and children.
Our Mission
To inspire women, young adults and children to daily take lifelong positive decisions while building capacity and facilitating livelihood through our array of programs and initiatives.

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